
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Christmas Painting #2

Oh Holy Night
by Cheryl Harris White
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 48"

Oh Holy Night is my second favorite Christmas painting done that year.   This entire painting was done with layers of acrylic paint and a palate knife.  The star over the manger shining light on the birth of Jesus pierces the sky with bursts of color radiating outward.  And in the center,  even the hay  joins in the celebration, splashing outwards from the manger as if it could not contain the miracle of Christ's birth.

If you look close, I splattered bits of red paint on the manger and hay...I really just felt like doing that when I was painting it, but after I stepped back and looked, I liked it.  It made me think about Christ's sacrifice when he shed is blood to cover our sins.   

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