
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Earth's crammed with heaven

A friend, Ginny Dyson reminded me of this one yesterday...

"Earth's crammed with heaven, 

And every common bush afire with God, 

But only he who sees takes off his shoes; 

The rest sit round and pick blackberries." 

I think that is appropriate for these "fiery" poppies.  One time for a theater production of the Wizard of Oz, I painted an entire field of poppies that was about 8 ft tall by 18 ft.wide, but I never got a photo of it.  It was so much fun and I have loved painting poppies ever since. 

Fire Poppies
16" x 16"
Acrylic on canvas
by Cheryl Harris White


  1. Holy Cow Cheryl!! Haha, you have to know that I love everything poppies ; ) I still need to do a post on why I called my blog picking poppies. I was so excited, a couple of weeks ago I found a large coffee mug with orange poppies, and the word poppy written on it. And just yesterday I was at the mall, which doesn't happen often, and saw a purse with a poppy and the word, but it's a coach and way out of my price range.

    Beautiful!! : )

  2. I LOVE your poppies - a little different painting than what we've been seeing. They are beautiful!
