
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mary Did You Know III

Mary Did You Know
by Cheryl Harris White
Posted Feb. 11, 2011

To the left, I posted some of the older paintings I did with this theme in progression from the oldest on the left and newest on the right ending with today's post, Mary Did You Know III.  By looking at these paintings side by side, I can see a progression in style and it really encourages me.  Growth and change is a process and it happens gradually.  It is illustrated here with my art, but also true about us spiritually, physically or in anything really.  The last one (below) is similar to yesterday's post  but taller.  It's my most recent and my favorite so far, but you never know, I may do another

Two Sisters
by Cheryl Harris White
Posted March 2, 20
Mary Did You Know II
by Cheryl Harris White
Posted March 5, 2011
Mary Did You Know III
by Cheryl Harris White
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 48"

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