This painting was done for my sister whom I now consider to be one of my closest friends. It wasn't always that way though. I painted this several years ago during a very difficult time in our relationship. I think all sisters probably go through this at one time or another...and even though I knew that what we were facing was normal and to be expected, I felt a deep sadness about it. A sister is both a sister AND a friend, so when there was distance growing between us, it felt like I was losing two people instead of just one. I remember struggling so much, and feeling extremely drained and annoyed and frustrated about the frequent problems between us. No amount of forbearance or understanding or patience seemed to be enough. I was so tired of spending energy and getting no where. I wanted to just quit even trying to work on our relationship.
About that same time when her birthday was coming up, her husband asked me to paint a painting for her based on her favorite verse...
Philippians 3:14
14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize
for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
It was the perfect assignment for me. I thought about what I was painting and who I was painting it for. I remembered so many times when most people would quit, she never who was I to want to quit on her? Any relationship takes hard work, and one with a sister is certainly worth fighting for. She has an amazing tenacious spirit and is one of the most driven, committed, focused people I know. So, Char, this post today is for you. I know life is hard right now, but I'm here to encourage you to keep pressing on. You were born to be my sister, but I chose you as my friend and I love you!