Friday, March 16, 2012

He keeps my tears in a bottle and 1000 Gifts 961 - 980

Tears in a bottle
Journal Page inspired by Psalm 56:8
by Cheryl Harris White

This one is kind of deep, so I'll let you all wade through it yourselves.  I did the bottles and cup with water color crayons, the background is a combination of oil pastel and collage of torn paper.  
My List of 1000 Gifts Continued....

961) Hot cleansing tears
962) Grief so I better understand the sorrows of others
963) Knowing My sorrows do matter
964) Knowing that joy comes in the morning
965) and it is all the sweeter then
966) Psalm 56:8
967) Being a mom
968) Being free
969) Seeing plans come to fruition
970) Watering the flowers
971) Drinking in nature's beauty
972) The sound of life in the trees
973) The smell of earth
974) The sun
975) Being life giving
976) Bits of paper and glue telling a story
977) Laughing with friends old and new
978) Each numbered day unwasted
979) Photographs 
980) Worms, because if they are there I know it's good dirt