An Artist's List Continues...
241) Having my art accepted to be in the
Fresh Ideas ART SHOW
Date: July 9, 2011 Time: 7:00 - 9 PM
242) Courtney's courage
243) Caleb and Duke on their way home from Orlando tournament
244) Veggies
246) Idea for Eucharisteo paintings
247) Seeing quiet confidence growing
248) A determined spirit
249) The texture of trees
250) Reunion
251) Family dinner at Red Lobster
252) A set table
253) Paw Paw doing so well after surgery
254) A Pool at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's
255) Brother and Sister bonding
256) Firecrackers in the birdbath
257) Independence
258) Fourth of July in Rockwall
259) A country worth fighting for
260) Freedom