381) Courtney's school getting a new drama and art teacher. We are so thankful we made this choice for her high school years and looking forward to an amazing year.
382) Her developing leadership skills. I love what a strong person she is becoming.
383) Caleb's great start as a 7th grader at a new Middle School.
384) His maturity and independence amazes me daily.
385) My kids motivation to make good grades this year
386) Positive attitudes
387) Discipline
388) Paintings getting finished
389) Friends who encourage my artistic pursuits
390) Friends who challenge me to deepen the roots of my soul
391) Hello Hugs
392) Another idea to paint
393) Sharing my art with people around the world
394) A new opportunity to share my art in Uruguay
395) Rest before a long night ahead at work
396) A Job for today.
397) My Nook Color!
398) Connection
399) Conversation
400) Looking into the straight in the eye of the future and feeling absolute calm.