Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spontaneous Trees I and II on display now at the MCL Grand in Lewisville

Theses two bright square paintings were a successful experiment I did with india inks. The tree shapes and blue background were done by covering the canvas with water and india inks and allowing them to become whatever shapes they wanted.  After it was dry, I saw trees... and developed their forms with acrylic paint.  I like the abstract look of the branches and trunks in front of the tree shape instead of up inside the trees, partially hidden.  They are the star of the show.  These are currently on display in the the north wind of the MCL Grand in Lewisville.  Enjoy!

Spontaneous Trees II
by Cheryl Harris White
Acrylic and India Ink
20" x 20"

Spontaneous Trees I
by Cheryl Harris White
Acrylic and India Ink
20" x 20"